Happy New Year!
3 Pillars Parent Newsletter #43
By: Catherine Lynch and Glenn Collins
Dear Awesome Parents,
It’s cold out! We’re hanging out with family and feeling all cozy. Shouldn’t there be a name for that? Oh wait - there is! The Danish already gave it a name: Hygge. Translated into English, it means “the art of cozying around together.” Did you miss Hygge, Part 1 last week? Here's the link.
Update: We wrote that intro a few days ago. We were hanging out with family. We were cozying around together, but now we’re not. Now we have Covid. Now we’re isolating. Now we’re gratefully accepting the care packages our adult children leave on our front porch. We are definitely not hygge-ing. But we hope you are. Happy New Year to you, and Happy Hygge-ing.
See you next year, all you awesome parents. Thank you for spending time with us every week. You’re the best! Wishing you a happy, healthy 2023. ❤️
Catherine and Glenn